#Tech Tuesday – Auto Tech

U.S. roads are getting more dangerous because of distracted drivers. The right tech, however, can help make sure you arrive safely at your final destination.

In this week’s #TechTuesday segment Bill Wills and I discuss tech for your car to help keep your eyes on the road.

#TechTuesday is heard on Cleveland’s WTAM 1100 Newsradio Tuesdays at 7:50AM.

#TechTuesday – Apple’s WWDC 2017 Announcements

Apple likes to open their Worldwide Developer Conference with some upcoming hardware and software announcements, and this year was no exceptions. WTAM 1100 Newsradio’s Bill Wills and I talk about the upcoming iMacs, HomePod, iPad Pros and iOS 11 on this week’s #TechTuesday segment.

Investing in Young People’s Potential in Tech

It’s important that we bring the potential of technology to our young people for their (and our) future.

As Best Buy and Geek Squad bring more teen tech centers online, here is what they’ve learned: The Gift Of Insight: Five Lessons In Preparing Youth For A Tech-Reliant Future.