Play Audio – WTAM 1100 Newsradio – Tech Tuesday – September 30th, 2014
While the smartphone news has recently been dominated by iPhone and Android, the recently announced BlackBerry Passport may interest some with it’s promise of being an “office on the go” device.
Some of the key features of the Passport:
Physical Keyboard – The Passport combines a physical keyboard and a line of changing screen-based keys above that will make heavy email and messaging users happy.
Battery Life – BlackBerry is claiming 30 hours during normal use with its 3460mAh battery, providing cordless productivity while away home or the office.
Large Screen – A unique 4.5 inch square screen provides a large viewing and touch area for emails, work documents and websites.
BlackBerry Hub – An app that keeps your conversations in one place, including BBM, email, phone and social media.
Android Apps – The phone not only runs BlackBerry World apps, but Android apps from the pre-installed Amazon Appstore.
Every time a news story hits about online accounts being broken into, it’s a reminder to take a look at just how secure your own accounts are. Katie Humphrey of the Star Tribune explains the different levels of online security you can setup.
In a perfect world, our accounts would be perfectly locked down. But there are some considerations to take into account when setting up your security.
How tight you lock down depends on your patience. “It’s security versus complexity,” said Derek Meister, an agent with Best Buy’s Geek Squad. “How complicated do you want to make that door lock before it becomes a pain for you to go through the door each day?”
Play Audio – WTAM 1100 Newsradio – Tech Tuesday – September 16th, 2014
As we move more of our important information online, from cloud-based storage to web-based email and financial software, the need for additional security around those accounts becomes clear. Relying on a simple username and password won’t cut it in a world where spyware and phishing attacks try to gather as much information about us as possible.
Fortunately, many online services are adding another layer to their security in the form of “2-Step Verification”. Sometimes referred to as “Two Factor Authentication”, this process involves an additional step during the login process to help confirm your identity by requiring “something you know” and “something you have”.
The knowledge part is your existing password. To add something you have, many sites will ask you to sign up your mobile number or download a special app for your smartphone. This allows a security code to be sent to the phone, which is entered after the password.
It sounds complicated, but many of us have been using 2-step verification for decades in the form of ATM cards. The “something you know” is your PIN, and the “something you have” is your ATM card. Just like the ATM process has become second-nature, so too will 2-step verification once you set it up and begin to use it.
For a complete list of services that currently allow 2-step verification, such as Google, PayPal, Facebook and others, visit
Play Audio – WTAM 1100 Newsradio – Tech Tuesday – July 22nd, 2014
If you use your smartphone with your business, the recent news stories of IBM’s partnership with Apple may have piqued your interest.
IBM and Apple started out as rivals for the PC market in the very early 80s before it became Mac vs Windows. While IBM left the personal computer space over the next few decades, they continued to be a very important player in enterprise environments.
In the last 7 years, smartphones and tablets have become one of the fastest growing markets for what are really still personal computers. However, even though we’re more likely to turn to a smartphone to check our personal email, or use a tablet to surf the web, the support for these devices in a corporate environment is still a huge area of growth opportunity.
With Apple’s strength being consumer hardware and IBM still being a well-known enterprise systems developer, you’re likely to see a much more robust approach to helping companies supply, manage and support devices like iPhones and iPads.
When you’re dealing with hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands of corporate employees, often across different locations and even time zones, the ability to manage user accounts and access from those highly-mobile devices can be a nightmare for your company’s IT department.
Play Audio – WTAM 1100 Newsradio – Tech Tuesday – August 26th, 2014
According to a recent New York Times article, Android devices are a new target for “ransomware”. These malicious software apps act similarly to the fake FBI virus scams that have been attacking Windows PCs for years.
Fortunately, there’s several actions you can take to help protect your Android smartphone or device from these scammers and their malware apps.
Stick With Trusted App Sources
Android devices generally come setup for downloading apps from a trusted app store, like the Google Play Store. For extra security, you’ll want to avoid changing the settings on your device that allow 3rd party apps to be downloaded from the official app stores.
Sometimes called “sideloading”, allowing apps to be installed from less trustworthy places on the Internet increases your chances of accidently loading malware onto your device.
Keep Updated
Just like your computer, your smartphone’s operating system and apps need to be updated periodically. It’s important to keep watch for system update notifications as they come up. You can also check for system updates by visiting Settings, then About (or About Phone), followed by System Updates.
For app updates, visit the Google Play Store app, then the Play Store icon. Select My Apps to view your downloaded apps and any available updates. You can also touch the Menu button to check the “Auto-update” option to keep that app automatically up to date.
Practice Safe Internet Habits
A common attack method, known as “phishing” on the Internet, isn’t technical, it’s psychological. Scammers will create fake websites, pretending to be your bank or shopping site. They’ll send you emails asking you to sign in and provide your account information, which they’ll then use to access your account on the real sites.
Some malware attacks come in the form of banner ads designed to look like a security warning telling you viruses have been detected. The error will ask you to download and run what it claims is an antivirus app, but is really the scammer’s software waiting to load onto your device.
The same safe Internet habits you follow on your computer work on your mobile devices as well. If you do find yourself falling victim to one of these attempts, here is what to do if you are scammed.
Security Software
The rapid growth in the number of Android devices being used worldwide has made the platfom a growing target for malicious software makers. Keeping your settings in check, your system updated and avoiding unsafe behavior will often be the most powerful ways to protect your device. To help take your protection further, security software makers have made a range of protection products for the Android platform.
The good news is that many of the major security software suites, like Webroot’s SecureAnywhere Internet Security include Android security apps that you can install on your device in addition to their Windows PC or Mac coverage.
If you still have questions on how to best protect your Android device, or need help with a potential malware issue like viruses or spyware, speak to a Geek Squad Agent online at or at the Geek Squad Precinct located at your nearby Best Buy.