Cut the Cable, Keep Your Favorite Shows

Family time around the TV

As consumers, you’re probably looking at the best ways to not only shrink your monthly bills, but get the most flexibility over your entertainment. For many, this means looking at “cord-cutting” by replacing an expensive cable package with online streaming services like Netflix, Hulu and more.

Geek Squad Agent Woodworth and I spoke to the Chicago Tribune about things to know when considering cutting that cable cord.

Control Your Kids Time Online With Circle

On this week’s #TechTuesday segment on WTAM 1100 Newsradio, I spoke to Bill Wills about Circle with Disney. This $99.99 piece of hardware pairs with your home Wi-Fi network to help monitor and control your kid’s access to the Internet regardless of device they use.

Learn more at

Connected Homes Are Smarter Homes

Connected Homes

When you think “smart homes”, you often picture the push-button future world of George Jetson. Yet the increasing availability of connected devices that talk to each other through your home network means more homes are becoming smarter every day.

Geek Squad Agent Woodworth and myself spoke to the Chicago Tribune about the “Internet of Things”, which includes devices like smart thermostats, networked lights, and garage door openers with smartphone apps, and how they’re making your home smarter one connected appliance at a time.

We also talked about getting the most from your home network you’ll need as the backbone for all of your devices, including your smartphones, gaming systems and those smart appliances.

Answers to 4 Common WiFi Questions

With all of the connected devices in your home these days, issues with your wireless network can cause a headache.

Connected Devices

Geek Squad Agent Woodworth and myself helped answer 4 of the most common home Wi-Fi questions we see from our clients in this piece in the Arizona Republic.

WTAM 1100 – Protecting Gadgets from Winter

Winter has finally come to Cleveland. Bill Wills and I discuss how to protect your gadgets from the cold. We also discuss this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas.

Listen to #TechTuesday Tuesday mornings on Cleveland’s WTAM 1100 Newsradio.