Geek Squad Academy Congressional Internship

Geek Squad AcademyDo you know any college women interested in scicence, technology and public policy?

The Geek Squad Academy and the Women’s High Tech Coalition are teaming up to offer 2 female college students a Congressional summer internship to work on science and technology-related public policy on Capital Hill.

The deadline to apply is May 6th, so if you know anyone interested, send them a link to the Geek Squad News article today!

Should Apple Continue to Advertise Apps?

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There seems to be some debate going on over Apple’s iPhone more recent commercials. Some critics, such as Macworld’s David Chartier believe that Apple should go back to advertising the core iPhone features, while Dan Moren believes that apps are what generate the most iPhone buzz.

Personally, I agree with Dan Moren. While the iPhone is a great piece of hardware with a slick interface, I’ve found that the user experience is most served with the rich supply of apps available. The tag line of “There’s an app for that” is simple, but also effective because it’s true.

Sure, the competition are putting in place their own app stores, but I think that the rich world of iPhone apps will always be the biggest draw to the platform for consumers.

Dancing with the Stars – Judges vs Twitter

After last night’s results, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dancing with the Stars producers start taking a closer look at marketing on Twitter.

Steve Wozniak and dance partner Karina Smirnoff received the lowest score recorded in six seasons of the show by the dance judges, yet still ended up in the top 3 couples thanks to huge viewer phone, text and web voting results.

Woz genuinely seemed surprised when the results were announced last night, “when that came, my world turned in an instant…I was crying. I still have tears a little.”

The tech media is pointing to not only tech news sites and blogs as the source of Woz’s popularity, but from the groundswell of support on the microblogging phenomenon of Twitter, with groups such as @votewoz and @geeksforwoz heading the charge.

Whether Woz will be able to continue to rely on his fans will be interesting to see, as next week will have a double elimination, sending two contestants home instead of one.

Why I’m Voting for Woz (and You Should Too)

While the name “Steve Wozniak” is pretty well known in geek circles, the Woz isn’t exactly a household name for many of the viewers of Dancing with the Stars, which Wozniak is competing on this season.

My mom absolutely loves the reality TV show Dancing with the Stars. So I had to call her up as soon as I heard that Steve Wozniak would be competing alongside Karina Smirnoff in the next series of competition, which starts today. Of course, her first reaction to this was, “Who?”

To help get the word out on who this bear-like guy dancing across the stage is, as well as explain why so many geeks are voting for him, I put up a Geek Squad blog entry about the Woz Waltz Watch.

If you’re a Twitterholic like I am, you can follow GeeksforWoz and votewoz for more Woz talk.