Captain Meister Public Health Officer of the Year

Captain Meister in the Dyess Global Warrior
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Captain Melissa Meister has been chosen for the Air Force’s Public Health Officer of the Year award for her work as 7th MDG chief, Public Health Element at Dyess Air Force Base.

Of her work, 7th MDG Aero-Medical Services Flight Commander Lieutenant Colonel Sullivan said:

“She knows her job very well and is an outstanding leader. Anything that you ask of her gets done quickly and accurately, and she’s a fantastic person to have work for you.

We’re very lucky to haver her here at Dyess and in the military. She’s got a lot of knowledge and experience. She’s done very well deployment-wise, and is going again in April. We’re very proud of her.”

Congratulations to my baby sister for a clearly outstanding job being done in Texas this year.