Halloween Night at the Meister House 2006

Halloween Night 2006 :: Graveyard scene at the Meister House

Another Halloween at the Meister House has come and gone. This year we had well over 200 kids come through our indoor and outdoor displays.

Photos are available in the photo gallery here, though not quite as many photos as previous years because I spent more time with the camcorder I purchased a few months back. Video of the night with be posted later, once it’s edited and formatted for easy web viewing.

Image of the Day: Puppy Power Nap

Puppy Power Naps

It’s been a week since this little basset hound entered my house and as you can see, she’s exhausted from all the new things she’s discovered since then.

From a new backyard with new grass to rub against her little white belly, to two new friends to play with in the form of a pug and dachshund.

So I’ll let her sleep for the time being, as I know that she’ll soon wake up with that bouncy, curious energy that all puppies have.