My dog is no doubt planning her revenge for taking this photo.
Category: Family
2009 Halloween at the Meister House
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Another Halloween at the Meister House has passed. We had well over 200 kids, plus all their family and friends, visit our display tonight.
This video has a tour of our indoor and outdoor display. The music playing is “Druids” by Midnight Syndicate, a group that also comes from northeast Ohio.
The complete Halloween setup takes roughly a week to put together, as there are 30-something inflatable decorations outside, along with a computer-controlled graveyard light show and other features.
Inside our oversized garage, we have well over 150 animated decorations, collected over the last decade. All waiting for the little visitors to activate them with the push of a button.
It’s great fun watching everyone come through and enjoy the show. Sometimes, the kids completely forget to ask for candy, because they’re so busy with pushing buttons in the garage.
I have an overview of creating a holiday light show on the Geek Squad Blog for those interested. The setup even got a mention on Cleveland’s Fox 8 New.
Hope to see everyone here again next year.
Fox 8 – Halloween Light Show
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The Cleveland Fox 8 News team liked my home halloween light show enough to show some video of the display.
Technify Your Halloween
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One of our favorite things to do as Geek Squad Agents is to find new ways to bring technology into our lives to improve upon the experience. Holidays is no exception, as this video I created based on the Halloween graveyard lightshow I put together for my home display.
The video is a simple overview of how to technify your decorations with the addition of two components, the first of which is a programmable light controller that can control any number of lights and other electrical Halloween decorations in a choreographed light show.
There are many different companies that make controllers, such as Light-O-Rama or D-Light. If you’re a hobbyist, you can purchase kits to assemble yourself, or if you’d like, you can even find fully pre-assembled starter packages with everything you’d need.
The second component you’ll need is a computer to control your electronic light show. In my case, I use an Intel Atom-based computer running Microsoft Windows 7, but the system requirements for a project like this are basic enough that just about any home computer will do.
To program the light controller, you first create a show combining your lighting instructions with the audio or music of your choice. Sequencing software to do this comes in many different forms, from very simple command line programs to more advanced graphical interface software, such as Aurora, which is featured in my video.
Once your sequence is completed, it can be loaded into a scheduler program on the computer, to be played back on the day and time you select. The computer is then connected to the light controller by either network cable or through a special wireless link, so that the light commands can be played back by the controller in time with the audio from the computer.
While there is a good amount of work involved in setting up a holiday light show of your own, it can be very rewarding when the local trick-or-treaters stop by and almost forget to ask for their candy because they’re too busy watching the show.
The Graveyard Lightshow Comes Together
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Work on the Meister House Halloween decorations continues, but the graveyard lightshow is starting to shape up nicely. I changed some of the lights around this year from last, and moved the show over to a Intel Atom system running Microsoft Windows 7.
You can see video from last year’s display here.