Videos for Valentine’s Day

In a world as connected as ours, Valentine’s Day offers some interesting new challenges, as well as opportunities, for those who make heavy use of technology. A recent Twitter post from @GeekSquadUK asks, “Can a Facebook message be as romantic as a bunch of flowers?

As a Geek, I think so. Of course, that Facebook message will need to uniquely and creatively gets your feelings across to your loved ones. Continue reading “Videos for Valentine’s Day”

Halloween 2010 at the Meister House


And so it was, Halloween 2010 at the Meister House. The trick-or-treaters had their fill of both candy and decorations, and we received plenty of compliments from the family and friends they brought along with them.

Check out our Flickr photo gallery as well.

A Few Early Ghosts and Goblin Visitors

We’ve had a small, but steady flow of visitors to the Meister House Halloween display since the Fox 8 Morning News segment.

The Meister Mom is always happy to see people stop by, so we’ve taken to keeping the oversized garage display open and welcoming in guests as we see them stopping in front of the house. She’s clearly enjoying the added time to share all the hard work she’s put into this year’s setup with everyone.

Only a few more days left until the Halloween weekend, but in the meantime, we’re going to have fun with the crazy setup that is the Meister House display.

Fox 8 News – Halloween Tech at the Meister House


Terror and technology combine at the Meister House Halloween display. I had a chance to speak with the Fox 8 News morning team about how we create our holiday lightshow experience.

Even the Agent Meister Mom was there to explain how she collects the hundreds of Halloween decorations that make up our display.