Hulu a Better Deal for Advertisers?

There’s some talk in online communities about the state of Hulu and whether they’re limited number of advertisers is a bad sign for the company.

My personal opinion is that advertising on Hulu has some serious advantages over regular broadcast television, at least if you discount the difference in the number of viewers.

As a viewer, I’m far more likely to sit through the shorter commercials on Hulu, even if they’re unskippable, simply because the interruptions aren’t long and frequent. Also, I’m noticing that I’m paying far more attention to the commercials simply because there’s less of them. There isn’t a “wall of advertising” that ends up blurring the messages into noise.

I don’t think Hulu will entirely kill broadcast or even cable television, at least not for the current generation of viewers who have grown used to it, but it’s certainly another sign that digital distribution channels like iTunes, Xbox Marketplace and Netflix streaming video are here for the duration.

Got Paraskavedekatriaphobia?

The news sites are filled with history lessons and random myths about Friday the 13th today. No doubt the hype about everyone’s favorite bad luck “holiday” will be greater than ever with the release of a new Friday the 13th film today.

Personally, I’ve always been more concerned with Saturday the 14th.

Homeworld Revisited


Some feelings of gaming nostalgia over the holidays led me to reinstall the PC game Homeworld on my system this week.

For a game that’s nearly 10 years old, it holds up very well, and ran with little issue on my Vista 64-bit system.

The game has a great, epic feel, with haunting music and cinematic cut scenes, which made for a very satisfying play through. Although some critics originally complained about the slow pace of the game, I always loved the tension that came from huge space battleships firing volleys of laser death across the void at each other.

Celebrating the Failed Tech of 2008

HD-DVD Xbox 360 Add-On

I’ve decided that I will end the last few hours of 2008 watching HD-DVD movies on my Xbox 360 HD-DVD add-on in order to symbolically close out the year celebrating the failed technology of 2008.

While I’m doing that, I’ll have my 30GB Zune that locked up today along with everyone else’s due to that clock device bug sitting on top of the stack of HD-DVD movies I got as part of one of the last ditch offers to get the format jump started by the studios.

God speed, you failed tech of 2008! 2009 failed tech, here we come!