TechTV employees given 60 day notice …

TechTV has suffered a long, slow slide from it’s early days as a well-funded organization based around technology news and entertainment.

Reports have been coming in on Leo Laportes message board that all employees of the TechTV channel, recently purchased by Comcast and slated to merge with G4, have been given advanced notice of termination sixty days hence.

Cat Woman teaser

Not really enough in-film footage to qualify as an actual movie trailer, the first video is now available of Halle Berry’s Cat Woman is now online. Really not much to look forward to with this film, and seeing the costume in action does little to improve its standing with fans.


From the Pac-Manhattan website:

Pac-Manhattan is a large-scale urban game that utilizes the New York City grid to recreate the 1980’s video game sensation Pac-Man. This analog version of Pac-man is being developed in NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications graduate program, in order to explore what happens when games are removed from their “little world” of tabletops, televisions and computers and placed in the larger “real world” of street corners, and cities.

A player dressed as Pac-man will run around the Washington square park area of Manhattan while attempting to collect all of the virtual “dots” that run the length of the streets. Four players dressed as the ghosts Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde will attempt to catch Pac-man before all of the dots are collected. Using Global Positioning, WIFI internet connections, cell phones and custom software designed by the Pac-Manhattan team, Pac-man and the ghosts will be tracked from a central location and their progress will be broadcast over the internet for viewers from around the world.