Battlefield 2 Demo Tweaks

For those of you dealing with the wait for the June 22nd release of Battlefield 2 by spending untold hours with the recently released demo, you might want to take a look at this BF2 Demo Tweak Guide to help your system’s performance.

And for owners of Geforce 4 cards, which the demo officially does not support, you might be interested in this forum discussion on some successful techniques employed to get the game running on those video cards.

Challenge Vader to 20 Questions

Vader Twenty Questions Challenge

Burger King’s online marketing department has scored another success with their latest addition at, where you can challenge Darth Vader to guess what object you’re thinking of by asking you questions about it.

The technology behind the game is impressive, but the sight of the Burger King himself coming out to give Vader hints alone makes the website worth a visit.

Calvin and Hobbes Return … in Reruns

Andrews McMeel Publishing has issued a press release about the “return” of the beloved “Calvin and Hobbes” comic strip to newspapers later this year.

The strips that newspapers are being allowed to publish from September 4th through December 31st are reprints of strips that ran between November 18th, 1985 and January 1st, 1996. The reruns are designed to promote the publisher’s three-volume “The Complete Calvin and Hobbes” collection.

Guinness to recognize Pac-Man

Pac-Man, the iconic video game of the 80s, is on it’s way to be included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s most popular arcade game.

Pac-Man was first released to video arcades in 1980 and within eight years had sold more than 293,000 units to arcades around the world. During that time, the little yellow character managed to appear in toys, board games, saturday-morning cartoons and even the oddly popular song “Pac Man Fever”. Decades later, games like Pac-Man World (1999) and Pac-Man World 2 (2002) still manage to sell a million copies each.