“Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!”

Pathetic earthlings. Hurling your bodies out into the void, without the slightest inkling of who or what is out here.

If you had known anything about the true nature of the universe, anything at all, you would’ve hidden from it in terror.

Flash Gordon: Savior of the Universe Edition

That’s right, one of the most quoatable science fiction comic book movie of the 1980s is being re-released on DVD after nearly nine years of being out of print.

Flash Gordon: Savior of the Universe Edition should be available in your local stores today.

Stumbling Into the HD-DVD Era

Xbox 360 HD-DVD Add-On

Even though it’s only a $20 price decrease, Microsoft’s recent reduction to $179 for the Xbox 360 HD-DVD Add-On was enough to push me into finally buying a HD media format in the next generation video disc wars.

I chose the add-on over a standalone unit based on price alone, really. We’re still too early in the format wars for a clear winner to be proclaimed, despite the ever-growing edge that Sony’s Blu-ray has. All the same, I figured I’d go for the cheapest entry and bide my time until the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray combo units from companies such as LG come down to reasonable price levels sometime in the next year or two.

Overall, I’m happy with the unit, having watched the HD-DVD versions of Batman Begins and 300 on my reasonably cheap 32″ LCD HDTV. The video quality is good, running across a VGA connection, though I’d prefer HDMI. However, that will have to wait for an eventual purchase of an Elite 360 should this one perish to the dreaded “red-ring of death”.

Image of the Day: Crime Fighting with Yo-Yos

Yo-Yo Girl Cop Movie Poster

The above poster comes courtesy of Chris’s Invincible Super-Blog, and yes, it really is a movie about Japanese school girl crime fighting with Yo-Yos.

Unfortunately, while there seem to be a number of good scenes according to Chris’s review of the movie, it doesn’t hold up to the original.

Yes, that’s right, not only is this a movie about Japense school girl crime fighting with Yo-Yos, it’s actually the SECOND movie about Japanese school girl crime fighting with Yo-Yos.


Nintendo Announces WiiWare

Newsweek has a piece up on Nintendo’s WiiWare, which will bring new downloadable games to the system, much like those available through Microsoft’s Xbox Live 360 Arcade.

Skeptics in the gaming community, however, point out that Nintendo’s online offerings to this point have been lacking at best, with an online friend code system that can best be described as “lacking” when compared to the Microsoft service.

That said, fans and critics alike will have plenty of time to argue over predictions of the service’s capabilities as the first games won’t be available until Spring of 2008.